FEBRUARY 2020 Bullet Journal Setup | PLAN WITH ME | Tekukor | French theme

FEBRUARY 2020 Bullet Journal Setup | PLAN WITH ME | Tekukor | French theme

This months theme for my FEBRUARY 2020 Bullet Journal set up is ‘F’ for France. Apologies to those who requested Finland but I have just recorded this before the comments! Let me know if you enjoy the French themed illustrations including the Eiffel tower, a beret wearing cyclist, fashion accesories and more! Let me know in the comments what you liked, what improvements you can suggest and what place starting with ‘M’ to create for the month of March. Torryn x

Also if you haven’t yet seen my JANUARY Bullet Journal setup I will provide the link below. As January begins with J, my theme for that months setup was Japan. This has been successful so far on YouTube and I have recieved a number of comments but am always looking to meet new BuJo inspired folks. So if you have any feedback please provide them in thte comment section below. Happy Bullet Journaling!

SUBSCRIBE to my channel:

Draw with Torryn on YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCflzyQ0hIX8R5-FDUTLzQ0w?sub_confirmation=1


April 2020 Bullet Journal Setup PLAN WITH ME Tekukor Australia themehttps://youtu.be/a0cWJu7Srts
JANUARY 2020 Bullet Journal Setup | PLAN WITH ME | Tekukor | Japan theme – https://youtu.be/V5L8nI-Diu8
Watercolour Cherry Blossom | How to paint using only 2 colours – https://youtu.be/dNhf5MvCJJ4
Drawing DWAYNE ‘The Rock’ JOHNSON – https://youtu.be/G02S1Iuwx9E

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