April Weekly Bullet Journal 2020 PLAN WITH ME Quokka/Sydney Harbour/AFL/Kombi Van

So I’m continuing my April Weekly Bullet Journal Australian theme for the remaining weeks of April in my Bullet Journal Setup. Hope you like the cute drawing like quokkas, echidnas and combi vans that accompany the setup and I look forward to trying out these larger boxed days in the setup rather than the skinny strips. Hope this video gets you through some boredom for a few minutes while in isolation. See you next week!

Above all if you have any comments or constructive feedback on my April Weekly Bullet Journal please provide it below or on YouTube.

After that here are some Twitter links that are related to my post.
#bulletjournal | #planwithme | #planner

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Sourced via https://www.epidemicsound.com/


So if you would like to support me directly remember you can buy me a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/QyajvGd

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