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AUSTRIA in my SKETCHBOOK + Next months country reveal!

AUSTRIA in my SKETCHBOOKSpending my sketching session creating a panoramic picture of perfection of the beautiful Hallstatt in Austria. Learnt some interesting things about this extraordinary place and had lots of fun with my watercolors. Keep in mind this is to add with my monthly Bullet Journal theme, so here is my sketchbook watercolor art work for the beautiful country…
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JORDAN in my SKETCHBOOK with Watercolors

JORDAN SKETCHBOOK with WatercolorsTo add with my monthly Bullet Journal theme this here is my sketchbook watercolor art work for the beautiful country of Jordan! Follow along as I guide you through a step by step like tutorial on how I use the watercolors while sharing my tips and techniques on how to paint. This piece was really enjoyable and…
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JAMAICA in my SKETCHBOOK with Acrylic paints!

Jamaica in my Sketchbook
Similarly to previous weeks, welcome to my JAMAICA in my SKETCHBOOK with Acrylic paints video.I'm loving the Jamaica theme so much in my bullet journal that I've decided to create a fresh scene of Jamaica in acrylic paint in a BRAND NEW SKETCHBOOK! Follow along as I guide you through a step by step tutorial on how I use the…
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