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Watercolour Cherry Blossom 2colours

Watercolour Cherry Blossom
Watercolour Cherry Blossom 2colours Hi guys, Welsomce to this video on how to create a Watercolour Cherry Blossom using 2 colours. Above all you can see below for a simple yet awesome step by step way to create a beautiful cherry blossom. Initially this started as an image but has now been able to turn this into a card using…
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Drawing DWAYNE ‘The Rock’ JOHNSON

Drawing DWAYNE 'The Rock' JOHNSON
Drawing Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Following on from my success of Dumbledore, I have decided to draw Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. So I could capture his fun and jovial nature I decided to draw him in this shot made for 'Fast and thh Furious'. As this picture includes some real high definition details on his face as well as all…
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